Friday, April 1, 2011

3 Hour Test

Today I went in to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I was kind of nervous. Everything I read online made it sound like the test from H- E - double hockey sticks. Aside from being long I didn't think it was too bad. I didn't even get dizzy or anything. Thank goodness!! I brought my labtop and head phones and watched movies, so even the wait wasn't too bad. I have been kind of out of it the rest of the day and a little nauseaus, but I assume its just my body working all that sugar out of my system. For the 3 hour test you drink a drink with twice as much sugar. My drink had 100 g of sugar in it! That's probably more than I generally eat in a whole day. I hope that's more than I eat in a whole day - that's A LOT!

The good news: I passed! And I passed by a lot too. I was never even close to the cut off numbers. Woohoo!! My hour mark result was even lower than yesterday's one hour test result. ANd I had twice as much sugar....hmmm.... not sure how that works, but I'm glad I don't have gestational diabetes!

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