Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnancy Induced Colic

I am writing this post at 1 o'clock in the morning. What? 1 o'clock in the morning? Yes. 1 o'clock in the morning. And this is now the third night in a row that I am up at 1 o'clock in the morning with the same problem: Pregnancy induced colic. That is my medical term for whatever it is I am currently experiencing. For three nights in a row now I have woken up at precisely midnight to use the restroom. Afterwhich, I immediately have pretty intense upper abdominal pain - much like you would have if you had a HUGE gas bubble - no make that 100 HUGE gas bubbles. Yet these gas bubbles won't pop and refuse to be burped out. So I lay there for two hours trying desperately to get comfortable. No position helps, no burping helps, no tums help. It's just sharp pain for two straight hours. Then around 2 it disappears as promptly as it arrived and I can drift off to sleep. Hense the term "colic." An unexplainable pain that arrives at exactly the same time every night, lasts for the same amount of time every night, and that has no known cure. I have pregnancy induced colic. No wonder babies that have colic are so miserable. I want to tear to midsection out!
Unfortunately, my newfound discomfort does not allude me during the day. It's not nearly as severe, but it seems as if my pregnancy went from comfortable and easy to uncomfortable and hard over night. For the past three days I've been bloated beyond imagination. My stomach constantly feels distended and every time I sit I feel like my lungs will be pushed out of my chest, through my throat, and into my mouth. Right now my uterus is only a couple inches above my belly button. I still have 15 weeks of growth left here people! How could I possible already be feeling like the baby's head is in my chest? Laying down or standing only slightly alleviates the issue. It has also worked its way into my back where I feel like I have to permanently arch my back in order to walk around. This is not a good sign for lies ahead. Being the worrier that I am, I wonder if this is a problem, feeling this way suddenly and pretty much constantly. Google has failed me. Bloating and pregnancy are perhaps the two worst words you can put in google search as pretty much EVERY pregnant woman has experienced bloating. If only I could put: "sudden extreme bloating during the day leading to intense gas pain keeping me up at night and pregnancy." Doesn't fly. Oh I hope this is a phase!!

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